Monday, June 11, 2007

Curriculum Dilemma

Here's a graphic organizer to reflect my "Zones of Comfort" as a curriculum resource person. All feedback is welcome.


Sarah said...

I think this was a very interesting resource you created! I like the fact that technology was only a risk and not a danger. I think with more research and others on your side it will be much easier to propose the use of some of these 2.0 applications.
I also think that some of the difficulties with professional development aspects come from teachers who are not motivated to be the best teachers they can be! I think we need to give more incentives to our teachers!
well of course I do.... :)

neworleanslady said...

Your zones of comfort were interesting - when I become frustrated with teachers who are not willing to try to become better or with those who complain all of the way, I have to remember that I can't spin my wheels trying to convince the few nay-sayers - I need to use my energy with those willing to become better.